Making core processes faster,
better and leaner
- Working in agile teams/sprints
- Review of process capability
- Use of agile methods & Lean Six Sigma
- Direct process improvements & savings
- Sustainable value creation
- Workshops and process support
Processes are the backbone
of the company

On the one hand, processes are the backbone of a company, but on the other hand, they are very fragile and some process steps are inefficient or do not add value. In a study on the quality of business process management in German and international companies, Prof Dr Ayelt Komus found that
- process goals are achieved in only 46% of all projects
- 37% of companies state that fundamental or significant rework is required due to poor processes
- an average of 43% of recognised errors are considered avoidable
- On average, companies need more than 26 months to move from a process-related need for action to an organisationally implemented solution
- the involvement of employees in process projects, the utilisation of their process experience in ongoing operations and the information procedures for process changes are generally considered to be inadequate and ineffective
This means:
- Sustainable inefficiency that costs money every day (waiting times, waste, bureaucracy, etc.)
- Permanent loss of quality and time (rework, throughput time, availability)
- Loss of efficiency compared to the competition (less effectiveness, poorer image, lost orders)
Agile process optimisation increases added value in a timely manner
Agile process optimisation combines agile working methods with process optimisation and streamlining methods such as Lean Six Sigma. We offer agile process optimisation as training workshops to train process moderators in companies, who then successively improve the internal core processes. Or we actively support our customers in optimising their processes in order to make them more productive and competitive in a timely manner – from process analysis to implemented and measurable process optimisation.