Systematic growth impulses
for more yield
- Positioning the company to be competitive in the future
- Identify and examine new business areas
- Develop new market segments & target groups
- Create additional revenue streams
- Forging strategic partnerships & alliances
- Utilise new technologies
Targeted development of
new growth areas

By business areas, we mean the marketplaces WHERE companies offer their services. Business models, on the other hand, describe how a company provides its services – in other words, HOW. Both areas form the basis for systematic and targeted corporate and business development. With our experience, methods and tools, we have been supporting companies for many years in analysing new growth opportunities.
Recognising business areas
In order to recognise new business areas, the first step requires an inside-out and outside-in analysis. On the one hand, the company’s competences, resources, familiarity, portfolio fit and other factors are decisive. At the same time, new needs, markets and market segments emerge that can represent new business areas for companies if they are recognised or occupied in good time. The market potential, market access and potential value creation are decision criteria for the expansion of business areas.
Designing business models
New business models are usually created through the targeted use of new technologies, partnerships and alliances, as well as customer-centred ideas.
Anyone who manages to provide existing or target customers with simpler, faster or cheaper access to services has gained a competitive advantage through HOW.In short, those who recognise existing or future customer needs in good time can create new solutions.In addition to the well-known Innovation Canvas, we use numerous tools and methods to support companies in the development of new business models. These include white spot analysis, design thinking, customer experience design, technology screening and scouting, ideation formats and many more.